The Changing Dynamics of Terrorism and Violent Extremism: An Analysis (Volume I)

The Changing Dynamics of Terrorism and Violent Extremism: An Analysis (Volume I) and The Changing Dynamics of Terrorism and Violent Extremism: Policy and Practice (Volume II) explore a wide spectrum of issues in the war against terrorism and violent extremism in Africa and the world, oscillating between theory and practice. Volume I presents a comprehensive analysis of terrorism through a broader perspective thatincludes material on a digital explosion and rise of youth radicalization; radicalization into violent extremism human rights violations and international terrorism, the effectiveness ofcounter-terrorism strategies; media, youth and terrorism; and informal early warning systems. Volume II is policy and practice-oriented andaddresses issues ranging from terrorism and human rights; ideological dimensions; state responses to terrorism; to global trends in terrorism and violent extremism. Made up of ten chapters each, these volumes provide an important reference reservoir for practitioners, scholars, students, and others working in the realm of terrorism and violent extremism.

By Mustafa Yusuf Ali, Ph D.
Mumo Nzau, Ph D.
Hassan Khannenje, Ph D.


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