Diminishing the Prevalence of Radicalization into Violent Extremism (D-PRIVE)
D-PRIVE program is designed to secure the progress made in the fight against terrorism, and intensify prevention of terrorism measures. The goal of the program is to prevent and reduce radicalization and recruitment into violent extremism and violent extremist organization. The project focuses on trends of radicalization, recruitment, violent extremism, and terrorism in Kenya through physical and virtual spaces. It emphasizes the ideological ‘push back’ to reverse such trends. Three key pillars of the D-PRIVE program are Deep and Extreme Dialogues (DD, ED, and DED), Disruption of Extremists’ Narratives (DEN), and CVE capacity building. The Institute uses an ideational definition and operationalization of Deep and Extreme Dialogues, that is comprehensive enough to challenge and diminish the power of extremists’ narratives.

Disruption of Extremists’ Narratives
Disruption of Extremists’ Narratives (DEN) is aimed at further denying, disrupting and diminishing physical and virtual spaces used by violent extremists and terrorist organizations to radicalize and recruit individuals into violent extremism. DEN deploys counter-narratives, alternative narratives, and positive narratives in virtual/cyber and physical spaces, to farther ideological ‘push back’ efforts. The aim is to disrupt extremists’ narratives and reduce space of extremist groups to radicalize and recruit within Kenya.

Deep and Extreme Dialogue (ED, DD, and DED) Project
Deep Dialogue (DD)
Deep Dialogue is the type of dialogue in which a person knowledgeable in a subject matter helps an extremist (or a radical) engage individuals with radical or extremist thinking, in a dialogue, individually or in groups (circles). This dialogue is designed to make them acknowledge the problem of extremism and terrorism, with the objective of transforming them and leading them away from violent extremism and terrorism Read More

Capacity Building for CVE Project
Capacity Building for Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) is a project that involves Training of Trainers (ToT) to build the capacity of local P/CVE Champions (mostly, local youth, women, and religious leaders) from the most vulnerable counties and localities to counter existing extremists’ narratives, and offer both alternative and positive narratives.

Supporting Leaders Project
This project seeks to leverage on the influence and power of religious and community leaders in the fight against violent extremism and terrorism in the vulnerable areas in Kenya. These leaders form a strategic and significant cohort because of their ground-level insights informed by voices, perceptions, experiences, and motivations of affected populations. In this project, the Institute, in conjunction with Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, seeks to build the capacity of these leaders from Upper Eastern, North Eastern, and Coastal regions equipping them with various skills and knowledge ranging from peacebuilding; conflict management; religion, conflict and peace; Preventing or Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE); early warning systems; and extremist narratives.