The Institute regularly undertakes research, conducts workshops, surveys, conferences, symposiums, seminars, colloquiums, expert meetings, roundtables and consultative meetings on important issues affecting the Horn of Africa. The proceedings of these activities are encapsulated in reports.

Situating Non-military Players in the Sudan Conflict Assessing Their Role in the Post-conflict Reconstruction of Sudan

Sudan Conflict: From Crisis to Resolution Envisioning Sudan’s National, Geopolitical, and Security Pathways for effective Intervention

A Training Workshop on Developing Counter Messages and Alternative Narratives on P/CVE in the IGAD Region

WEBINAR: Retreat to Nationalism in the 21st Century Globalization: Lessons for Africa from COVID-19

SURVEY 3 SUMMARY: Impact of COVID-19 on Kenyans and Perceptions on Reopening the Country

SURVEY 2 SUMMARY: Perceptions of Kenyans on Government Communication and Mass Testing

A Report on Maritime Border Challenges and Implications on Security: An Experts’ Symposium

Flirting with Hyenas: How External Interests are Fueling Instability in the Horn of Africa