STAKEHOLDERS’ ROUNDTABLE FORUM: Somalia Elections: Implications for Regional Security and Stability
For most of its recent history, the greater Horn of Africa region has been besieged by perpetual intra- and inter-state conflicts, terrorism, violent extremism, and geopolitical power games; all of which have had negative implications on security and stability in the region. In a series of roundtables, consultative fora, and other colloquia that began in November 2020, the HORN Institute has been analysing development of these conflicts, as well as political and security trends with the aim of providing pragmatic policy options for policymakers and other key actors for a more peaceful and secure region.
As part of these series, the HORN Institute will on January 21, 2020, hold a Stakeholder’s Roundtable Forum on Somalia elections. Regional think tanks, development partners, as well experts and practitioners in governance, security, elections, and foreign policy, and local and international media will be invited to analyse Somalia’s electoral crisis and potential implications on peace and security in the region. The Forum is expected to bring to the fore key issues and implications of Somalia elections on transition, security, and stability of the region. Participants will also examine the roles of local and international stakeholders in ensuring a peaceful transition.
For more information about this event, please contact the Institute via email at communications@horninstitute.org