Countries in the Horn of Africa region continue to experience security-related problems at all levels – local, national, regional, and international – more than 40 years after independence. The region has faced various forms of conflicts, ranging from military coups, socio-economic, revolutions, intractable ethnic, border, to religion.
Additionally, the spike in terrorism waged by al Qaida-backed al Shabab terror group has devastated the region disrupting livelihoods, destroying infrastructure, causing great harm to physical and human capital, and hampering economic growth. The region is also affected by piracy, in part because it is geo-strategically located along one of the world’s busiest sea trade routes, accounting for about 10 per cent of the world’s sea trade, stretching from the Suez Canal through the Red Sea, to the Indian Ocean.
This program focuses on local, national, regional, and international drivers of insecurity in the Horn of Africa which includes terrorism, piracy, Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) proliferation, divisive politics, and maritime disputes. It brings together experts on maritime issues, international security, and international law through roundtable discussions, consultative forums, and research initiatives, to generate policy solutions in response to the foregoing threats and issues.

Shortwave Project
The Shortwave Project aims to increase understanding of the ongoing dispute between Kenya and Somalia over a disputed maritime border. This project brings together a consortium of experts from maritime, conflict, security, international law, political and foreign policy backgrounds to systematically develop and document knowledge around the maritime dispute. Through consultative forums, research and analysis, and roundtable discussions, the experts on this project will analyze the history and cause, issues, interests, players, dispute settlement mechanisms, and the possible implications of the dispute.