Prevention of Terrorism Program

The threat of terrorism posed by al Shabab, an al Qaida’s affiliate, has been on the rise in Kenya since 2011. The fight against al Shabab by Kenyan security forces and agencies has been intensified. While the operations have degraded the terrorists militarily, their ideological infrastructure remains intact. The group continues to radicalize and recruit Kenyan youth in vulnerable regions and pockets in Kenya such as Upper Eastern, Nairobi, Central, North Eastern, and Coastal regions. Homegrown terrorists and ‘lone wolves’ have increasingly become a feature in the evolution of terrorism in Kenya.
Defence and Security Program
This program focuses on local, national, regional, and international drivers of insecurity in the Horn of Africa which includes terrorism, piracy, Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) proliferation, divisive politics, and maritime disputes. It brings together experts on maritime issues, international security, and international law through roundtable discussions, consultative forums, and research initiatives, to generate policy solutions in response to the foregoing threats and issues.

Courses & Trainings

The Institute offers stand-alone strategic courses that cover various aspects of Terrorism and Violent Extremism. These courses are delivered by HORN Roll of Scholars and they are designed to increase understanding of the phenomena of terrorism, its political context, and prevention measures. The courses are ideal for private citizens, key among them scholars, experts, and practitioners, as well as law enforcement professionals keen on improving their understanding of the securityscape, defence strategy, and counterterrorism measures.
HORN Academy and Roll of Scholars
HORN Academy is the place to go to for all your training needs in the fields of security, terrorism, statecraft, diplomacy, governance, and transnational crimes with specific focus on the Horn of Africa. The HORN Academy presents the best scholars, academics and practitioners you will find in these fields. The Academy mentors young and budding practitioners, academics and students, offering them an opportunity to learn and acquire cutting-edge knowledge and experience from acclaimed and highly experienced local and international experts resident at, and affiliated to the HORN Institute. The Academy provides the nexus between scholarship and praxis as well as nurturing talent.